Tuesday December 7th 11.15-12.45, Rotterdam Ahoy

The drive for decarbonization is clear. But tackling the issue of climate change requires more than goals and ambition. It demands an actual transition; it needs collaborative action and systemic change. It’s best to act together in realizing ambitions. This will be one of the key findings of Patrick Nanninga (Uniper) at the European Industry & Energy Summit 2021.

According to Nanninga, responsible for commercial business development at Uniper, there’s an urge to move from technology solutions to a holistic perspective. ‘We need to move from single products to sustainable green value chains. However, such a transition is not simple and brings with it quite a few challenges.’

Challenges companies struggle with are, for example, increasing prices of gas and the European Emission Trading System, as well as the increasing volatility of commodity prices. ‘Companies feel pressure on their license to operate. And though they have the ambitions to decarbonize, they have no clue about how to realize these ambitions. Energy business hasn’t been one of their core businesses for many decades, so what’s probably lacking is knowledge, understanding and resources.’


Besides power generation Uniper is involved in a broad range of activities in relation to energy transition and decarbonization. ‘Our expertise in decarbonization is of high value, as two thirds of all CO2 emissions in industry are energy-driven. We can design an individually tailored decarbonization road map and offer enabling solutions to help make it a reality. We can also show customers how to use less energy and enhance their operations with energy efficiency measures, demand-side management, flexibility services, and a range of monitoring and diagnostic tools.’

Nanninga sees possibilities in helping customers switch their embedded generation to a lower-carbon energy source. ‘We can supply them with climate-friendly fuels like biomethane and renewable energy sourced under power-purchase agreements. And we can develop a bespoke offsetting strategy for excess carbon or recycle it, including Guarantees of Origin and other types of carbon-reduction certificates.’

A variety of companies is asking for complex solutions instead of single products to support their decarbonization. ‘Uniper could help them on their journey towards zero carbon. Doing this together increases the likely hood of success.’

About Patrick Nanninga

Patrick Nanninga rejoint Uniper’s Asset based Contracting unit from January 1st onwards as Business Development manager for the Netherlands. Asset Based contracting develops, invests, implements and operates low/zero carbon energy systems together with the energy intensive industry. Previously, Patrick worked as commercial director electricity and gas in the oil and gas sector, general director of a start-up/Innovation accelerator: Agile for E.ON and Director B2B for E.ON in the Benelux.