The European Industry & Energy Summit 2020 goes completely online! We make a virtue of necessity and broadcast the summit at the 8th and 9th of December from Amsterdam and various industrial locations in the Netherlands. One of the studios will be in Nijlicht in the Eemshaven (Groningen). We are also planning studios in Rotterdam (Zuid-Holland) and at chemical park Chemelot (Limburg).

The Summit will open in Amsterdam with, among others, Diederik Samsom (chef of cabinet of Frans Timmermans, Vice President EC). The plenary talk shows will cover Europe and the energy plans of the European Union, hydrogen, infrastructure, innovation and system integration. Various side events and break-outs deal with CCUS, electrification, electrochemistry, energy saving, energy storage and more.

Event app

The event app provides many possibilities for interaction. Visitors meet each other in one-on-one conversations, partners organize round tables and meet & greets in virtual living rooms and you can make contact with them on the online exhibition square.

So please register here and be sure you will be part of the European energy transition.