United Kingdom – Equinor’s Blandford Road battery storage asset, a 25 MW/50 MWh powerhouse, has started operations in Dorset, UK.

Developed and operated by British battery storage company Noriker Power, in which Equinor holds a 45% equity share, Blandford Road is a technological marvel comprising approximately 150 lithium-ion battery units. Connected to the Southern Electric Power Distribution (SEPD) network, it stands ready to store enough electricity to power 75,000 UK homes for two hours.

Low carbon future

As the UK aims for 95% of its electricity to be low carbon by 2030, battery storage systems like Blandford Road emerge as pivotal players in the transition. These systems efficiently store surplus power generated from renewable sources like wind and solar, releasing it strategically to bolster the electricity grid when demand peaks, thus enhancing security of supply and safeguarding against power price extremes.

Equinor envisions a renewable portfolio that seamlessly integrates generation assets such as wind and solar with flexible counterparts like batteries. The strategic deployment of battery storage addresses the intermittency challenge associated with renewable power generation.

Equinor’s energy trading arm, Danske Commodities, plays a pivotal role in providing market access, balancing, and optimization services for the Blandford Road asset.

Welkin Mill

Welkin Mill, Equinor’s second battery storage project developed by Noriker Power, is taking shape in the Greater Manchester area, with expectations to be operational in 2024. With a capacity of 35 MW/70 MWh, Welkin Mill is anticipated to store enough electricity to power over 100,000 UK homes for two hours. It is poised to connect to the distribution network operated by Electricity North West (ENWL).