United Kingdom – EQT Infrastructure is set to acquire Statera Energy Limited from InfraRed Capital Partners, marking a strategic move in the UK’s rapidly evolving energy landscape.

A notable shift is occurring in the energy sector, characterized by the increasing electrification of areas that were once predominantly powered by fossil fuels, such as heat and transportation. This transition to electricity-based systems has profound implications for the way energy is generated, stored, and managed.

In this changing energy ecosystem, energy storage and flexible generation technologies are gaining prominence. These technologies play a pivotal role in ensuring a smooth and reliable energy transition while maintaining grid stability. Statera Energy, the focus of this acquisition, is uniquely positioned to address the growing demand for such solutions.

EQT’s strategic support

EQT Infrastructure, a key player in this development, will provide Statera Energy with vital support. This support comes in the form of growth capital, which is set to accelerate the deployment of flexible generation technologies across the UK. Statera Energy, established in 2015 and headquartered in London, has made a name for itself as a leading player in the battery storage and flexible energy generation sector in the UK.