The Netherlands – Sif and Ballast Nedam, are joining forces to usher in a new era of sustainable decommissioning. Through their newly formed joint venture, BNS Decom, they aim to not only dismantle aging wind farms but also breathe new life into their components.

BNS Decom envisions itself as a one-stop shop for asset managers grappling with the looming wave of decommissioning. The joint venture leverages the strengths of both companies: Ballast Nedam’s expertise in offshore operations tackles the intricate removal of turbines and foundations, while Sif’s robust infrastructure takes center stage in receiving, processing, and ultimately, repurposing or recycling salvaged materials.

Steel, the backbone of these wind giants, gets a second lease on life. Dismantled monopiles, typically buried deep into the seabed, are transformed into “green steel plates,” ready to be integrated into new offshore wind structures. This not only reduces reliance on virgin steel production but also minimizes the environmental footprint of future wind farms.

Decommissioning surge

While large-scale decommissioning is still a few years away, Sif and Ballast Nedam recognize the importance of proactive preparation. The wind industry is expected to witness a surge in decommissioning by the mid-2030s, and BNS Decom is positioning itself as a leader in this market.

BNS Decom’s emergence signifies a crucial shift in the offshore wind industry’s mindset. From simply generating clean energy, the focus is expanding to encompass the entire life cycle of wind farms, ensuring a responsible and sustainable approach to their end-of-life phase.