The Netherlands – As of January 1, Gasunie will buy 250 GWh of green electricity yearly from Greenchoice’s wind farms. This was agreed to in a five-year contract between Gasunie and Greenchoice. A quarter of Gasunie’s consumption is made up of the amount of electricity.

In a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Greenchoice, the five-year agreements are outlined. Additionally, Gasunie plans to buy electricity from future wind farms that will be constructed. Most of the electricity is used by Gasunie for the primary natural gas transmission network. Gasunie will use an increasing amount of its electricity as the energy transition takes place to transport heat, CO2, green gas, hydrogen, and other gases.

Green energy

By 2030, Gasunie hopes to meet 60% of its electricity needs through renewable sources. The Netherlands’ Gasunie has so far entirely greened its power purchases through the use of green energy certificates, or so-called Guarantees of Origin. Gasunie connects about 25% of its usage directly to the production of wind energy through the Greenchoice PPA.