Singapore – Amidst the vibrant industrial landscape of Singapore, Neste’s ambitious refinery expansion project is poised to rejuvenate the production of renewable diesel. In a recent turn of events, the production line at the expanded segment of the refinery has been rekindled, signaling a resolute march toward sustainable energy solutions.

The production line at Neste’s Singapore refinery expansion encountered an unforeseen hurdle in June when unexpected equipment repairs prompted a temporary halt. However, Neste’s commitment to progress remains steadfast, and as per the company’s meticulous plans, the production was reignited in early August. This transformative project holds the promise of elevating Neste’s total nameplate capacity of renewable products to an impressive 5.5 million tons, poised to be realized in the early months of 2024.

Renewed production

The ongoing ramp-up signifies Neste’s relentless pursuit of excellence, with the final touches poised to grace the production landscape by the year’s end. Additionally, Neste’s strategic plans are set to bring sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) into the limelight, with production in Singapore’s quarters poised to start in the third quarter of the year.