United Kingdom – The South Kyle Onshore Wind Farm in southwest Scotland has officially opened. Vattenfall developed and built it, and Greencoat UK Wind will be its owner.

The wind farm will have a 240MW installed capacity once it is fully operational, which is equal to the yearly electricity needs of 187,000 houses.

Expanding onshore wind

The South Kyle Wind Farm is a component of Vattenfall’s expanding onshore wind portfolio. With plans to increase its onshore wind fleet even further, the company presently has a 5.5GW onshore wind pipeline across all of its markets, 500MW of which are in the UK.Onshore wind development, in the opinion of Vattenfall, presents a crucial potential to improve energy security, mitigate climate change, and revitalize local communities.

After a Corporate Power Purchase Agreement is signed in 2020, a portion of the site’s power will be used to supply A.G. Barr, a manufacturer of beverages known for its distinctive Irn Bru.