Europe – To accomplish the European offshore wind goals, six European windports will collaborate. The six ports have come to the conclusion that cooperation is necessary in order to meet the agreed-upon capacity of 65 GW of offshore wind energy in 2030.

Currently, European seas produce slightly over 13 GW. The parties will communicate and collaborate more closely as a result of the agreement that has been struck. The goal is to achieve operational and practical cooperation. Additionally, the ports want to convey to the market their willingness to do whatever it takes to use offshore wind to hasten the green transition.

Complete dedication

Working together to find solutions to the space issue is one of the key focuses of focus. If a port can accommodate only half of a project, another port could be able to accommodate the remaining half. Additionally, the ports will exchange their best practices and digital insights. Representatives from the six ports will ideally meet twice a year.

Port Oostende in Belgium, Groningen Seaports/Eemshaven in the Netherlands, Niedersachsen Port/Cuxhaven in Germany, Nantes-Saint Nazaire Port in France, Humber in the UK, and Port Esbjerg in Denmark are the six ports that have joined this unusual cooperation.