United Kingdom – The UK’s offshore oil and gas industry supply chain can expand to cleaner energies like carbon capture, usage, and storage (CCUS), hydrogen, and offshore wind, according to a series of reports that will be released in the coming months.

The three reports will be released over the course of the upcoming year. They were commissioned by the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and published by Offshore Energies UK (OEUK). The reports will evaluate the supply chain’s current capabilities, pinpoint the areas where it has the greatest potential to generate new business, and describe the challenges the industry is currently dealing with.

Decarbonizing oil and gas

The reports are released at a time when the UK government and the offshore oil and gas industry are working to uphold and carry out the supply chain commitments made in the North Sea Transition Deal, a strategy for decarbonizing upstream oil and gas production and assisting businesses in realizing a domestic transition to cleaner energy.

The 2021 agreement includes a pledge to ensure that at least 50% of hydrogen, carbon capture, and wind projects are fulfilled by domestic businesses, boosting the UK economy and sustaining jobs.The first report in the series, which is scheduled for publication in July, will concentrate on opportunities for the UK’s offshore oil and gas supply chain in the area of carbon capture, usage, and storage.