United Kingdom – To better understand and investigate the production of steel components that might be used in cutting-edge floating wind foundations and structures for projects in the Celtic Sea, RWE has partnered with Tata Steel.

The companies will collaborate to determine the steel components that Tata Steel could provide for the floating wind technologies used in the gigawatt-scale floating offshore wind projects in the Celtic Sea. The cooperation agreement will enable the two businesses to exchange knowledge and skills as well as show their shared commitment to helping Wales’s industrial decarbonization and economic growth.

Celtic Sea leasing

In the upcoming leasing round for the Crown Estate, RWE is putting forth a pipeline of gigawatt-scale floating wind projects in the Celtic Sea. If the projects are successful, they will play a significant role in RWE’s cutting-edge decarbonization hub, Pembroke Net Zero Centre, which will bring together all of RWE’s decarbonization expertise and support the move to net zero in South Wales.

The cooperation agreement will enable the two parties to offer The Crown Estate technical support and knowledge as needed during the Celtic Sea leasing procedure.