Germany – Vestas has received a conditional order for 64 V235-15.0 MW wind turbines to be delivered in 2025 for EnBW’s 900 MW He Dreiht offshore wind project.

Vestas will also provide a multi-year solution to service the wind project once it is operational.

The V236-15.0 MW turbine will provide EnBW with industry-leading park performance at He Dreiht, with a swept area of 43,742 m2 and a capacity factor of over 60% from the 115.5m blades. A single V236-15.0 MW turbine can produce 80 GWh per year, enough to power around 20,000 European households, depending on site-specific conditions.

Connection capacity

Vestas has also agreed to transport and install the turbines for the He Dreiht project on a conditional basis with Cadeler. Installation will begin in the second quarter of 2025, with complete park commissioning expected in the fourth quarter of that year. The project has a 900 MW grid connection capacity and a 60 MW excess capacity, allowing it to make the most of the connection capacity even when production is low.

The V236-15.0 MW prototype is being developed at Vestas’ R&D and manufacturing facilities, and the prototype wind turbine is expected to be installed later this year, with serial production starting in 2024.