The Netherlands – Shell is collaborating with Inaccess to control and monitor its 100MW hybrid solar + wind project in the Netherlands.

Shell developed the hybrid asset in the Netherlands as part of its global push into renewable energy. A 50MW photovoltaic power plant and a 50MW wind farm comprise the power plant.

The complementary nature of solar and wind energy production can help to stabilize the intermittent nature of energy production and maximize grid connection utilization, resulting in significant benefits in terms of dispatchability, flexibility, and reliability.

The Inaccess Unity system, which will be used for the project, optimizes the operation of modern renewable power plants and portfolios that include PV, Batteries, Wind, and Microgrids.

Grid-friendly power

The Unity system’s integrated nature ensures “no-excuses” accurate monitoring, control, and optimization and serves as the single version of truth among the EPC, O&M, Asset Management, and Market Management ecosystems, eliminating inefficiencies.

Co-locating wind farms and solar assets provides more grid-friendly power, which is required in today’s overburdened grids. This collaboration has the potential to disrupt and transform many renewable energy markets around the world that are dealing with similar challenges.