United Kingdom – The National Decommissioning Centre (NDC) has formed a research partnership with the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult to develop new offshore wind technologies.

The collaboration begins with three PhD projects, each focusing on a different aspect of offshore wind development, such as simulation of floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) systems, design optimization, and environmental concerns.

Three projects

The first project, Simulations of Floating Offshore Wind Marine Operations, will test virtual marine operations related to the installation and maintenance of FOWT systems in a risk-free environment using the National Decommissioning Centre’s £1.6 million immersive simulation suite.

Multi-objective Design Optimization of Floating Offshore Wind Systems is the second project, which will develop a numerical tool to improve the design of combined floating platforms, mooring, and dynamic cable systems, allowing users to quickly identify the best solutions based on project circumstance and cost.

Study of Environmental Interactions of FOW Technology is the final project, and it will look into how key environmental stakeholders, advisory bodies, and research organizations can collaborate to identify gaps in their understanding of how offshore wind farms interact with the marine environment and come up with better solutions.

Each PhD project is worth £84,000 and is co-funded by ORE Catapult, the NDC, and the University of Aberdeen’s School of Engineering.