Italy – GreenIT, a joint venture between Eni gas e luce – Plenitude and CDP Equity to tackle renewable energy generation, has made its first investment.

GreenIT has acquired the entire portfolio of Fortore Energia Group, which includes four onshore wind farms with a total capacity of 110 MW operating in Italy. The deal involves 55 wind turbines in Puglia, in a high-wind-speed area that is one of the most interesting repowering scenarios on the Italian market.

These wind farms produce over 230 GWh per year and have an average operating time of over 2,000 equivalent hours. In total, they will avoid CO2 emissions of around 100,000 tonnes per year. The plants, which were built between 2008 and 2013, have a 5-year incentive life remaining. Following that, all repowering preparatory activities will begin, with the goal of increasing installed capacity and productivity while also utilizing technological advancements to make better use of the local area.

Energy transition

GreenIT’s mission, a joint venture between Eni gas e luce – Plenitude and Cdp Equity, is to support the country’s energy transition in accordance with the 2030 National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan’s objectives. The joint venture aims to develop and build greenfield plants by leveraging the CDP Group’s and the Public Administration’s real estate assets.