Germany The Heringen-Waltersberg wind farm, which Enercon developed and connected to the grid last autumn, has been sold to the ‘Enercon Wind Onshore Deutschland I’ investment fund.

End of December, the transaction was successfully completed. Seven E-101/3.05 MW wind energy converters are installed on hybrid towers with a hub height of 149 meters. The wind farm now has a capacity of 21.35 MW. The two parties have agreed to keep the purchase price confidential.

The fund already has 31 wind energy converters in five operational wind farms in Germany, with a total nominal power of 79 megawatts, in addition to the wind energy converters in the Heringen-Waltersberg wind farm. Every year, they produce around 175 million kilowatt-hours of renewable energy. Under the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), all of the projects receive a 20-year fixed feed-in tariff. Enercon will maintain and service the wind energy converters for a period of 25 years.

The fund is the first investment product of Enercon’s institutional fund platform, which was launched in the spring of 2021. The platform’s goal is to promote onshore wind project marketing in Germany and Europe, as well as to provide Enercon customers with access to institutional investors and capital providers when implementing their project plans. In addition to supplying wind energy converters and providing services during the operation phase, Enercon sees this as another aspect of its customer care.