Norway – TetraSpar Demonstrator, a pioneering floating wind project, is now operational and anchored in 200 meters of water off the coast of Norway.

The project will now enter a testing phase, during which data on the performance and characteristics of the TetraSpar floating foundation will be collected and analyzed in order to pave the way for commercial-scale floating wind projects.

The TetraSpar Demonstrator arrived at the METCentre test site earlier this summer after a 360-nautical-mile tow from the port of assembly in Grenaa, Denmark.

The demonstration project demonstrated that Stiesdal’s ‘Tetra’ concept is still on track to offer significant advantages over existing floating wind concepts, such as leaner manufacturing, assembly, and installation processes and lower material costs.

The upcoming test phase will provide the four collaborating companies with critical information and opportunities to further refine the TetraSpar technology. The partners will make full use of the findings to expand the capabilities of offshore wind power and thus contribute to the realization of a clean, sustainable, carbon-neutral society.