Denmark To shorten the time to market and make logistics, construction, operation, and maintenance easier, Vestas has introduced a modular and customizable nacelle design that can be modified as needed.

Vestas claims that the move is necessary to maintain the competitiveness and scale of renewable energy. The company said that the move takes into account the entire value chain. It is possible to incorporate one or more side-compartments into the modularized structure, depending on the desired configuration.

With regard to their physical dimensions, these are intended to be compatible with industry standards. It is as a result of this that the modularized nacelle units can be transported with less special handling while still meeting the requirements of tunnels, bridge heights, and rail systems.

In addition, the modular design’s click-on system allows for simple maintenance and upgrades, as well as the development of new products, throughout the lifetime of the operating asset. As soon as Vestas announces the release of the modular nacelle design, it intends to expand the scope of its modular nacelle design to include an entire turbine.