United Kingdom The Global Renewable Energy Alliance was formed by the Global Solar Council and the Global Wind Energy Council, which represent private sector companies and associations from the wind and solar PV industries around the world.

Its goal is to increase cooperation, knowledge exchange, and joint advocacy.

According to a joint study conducted by the Global Solar Council and the Global Wind Energy Council, by 2030, there will be a 29 percent shortfall in the projected wind and solar capacity needed to keep the world on track to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and maintain a path to carbon neutrality by 2050.

Wind and solar energy are expected to account for 70% of power generation by 2050, according to net zero roadmaps released earlier this year by the IEA and IRENA.

At COP26, the global wind and solar industries are urging governments to collaborate with them to accelerate the deployment of these critical technologies and to raise national ambition for wind and solar power through updated NDC targets and national climate strategies that reflect higher capacity targets for renewable energy and a ban on new coal build/investment.

The call also includes the implementation of effective policy and regulatory frameworks for renewable energy procurement and delivery, such as sensible and streamlined permitting schemes to reduce project attrition rates, prioritized renewables-based generation, and environmentally sound development.

It entails a commitment to the rapid deployment of clean energy infrastructure, including grids and transmission, through the pooling of expertise and increased dialogue among system operators, regulators, and utilities to address system bottlenecks and the foresight required to integrate large-scale renewable energy.

While the worldwide focus is on 2050, the 29 percent gap by 2030 sends a clear message to politicians that they are not acting quickly enough to address climate change. Governments all throughout the world must recognize that this is the decade for major transformation.

The Global Renewable Energy Alliance has been formed by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Global Wind Energy Council and the Global Solar Council. The climate emergency needs a shared position and platform for these two clean energy pillars to speed the energy transformation.