Ireland EDF Renewables Ireland plans to build a 100MW wind farm in Mayo, south of Bellacorick.

The proposed project, which might include up to 25 turbines and power more than 60,000 houses, will be placed in a woodland area northeast of Slieve Carr, around 8 kilometres southeast of Bangor Erris.

Site survey

The project team is currently obtaining wind data and mapping the site’s environmental restrictions, which will be utilized to build a preliminary wind turbine architecture. At the location, detailed environmental studies will be conducted, including ecological, noise, landscape, and aesthetic assessments. The findings of these studies, along with inputs from surrounding communities, will be utilized to determine the final wind farm layout and number of turbines.

Planning application in 2022

In early 2022, EDF Renewables Ireland plans to submit a planning application and an Environmental Impact Assessment Report to An Board Pleanála in support of the project. The wind farm is expected to be operational in 2028, pending planning approval.

EDF Renewables Ireland is committed to keeping the local community informed about its projects, and a series of public consultation events will be held as the Kilsallagh Wind Farm develops.