The NetherlandsDutch shipowner Wagenborg has put its third walk-to-work vessel, named Keizersborg, into service.

Keizersborg was converted from a platform supply vessel. Keizersborg was converted in 16 weeks by the Royal Niestern Sander shipyard and provided with an extra accommodation module and motion compensated gangway. The vessel is used as a standby and support vessel for inspection and maintenance of unmanned platforms in both Dutch and British parts of the North Sea.

Keizersborg is ERRV certified. As an Emergency Response and Rescue Vessel (EERV), Wagenborg’s Keizersborg can be deployed in emergency situations at platforms for rescue work, standby activities, emergency towing or patrol tasks. Keizersborg is also equipped with a daughter craft and a fast rescue boat, so that rescue activities can also be carried out in bad weather.