Belgium – Chemical company Ineos Aromatics in Geel, Belgium, has lost its operating license. Ineos was granted a new license last year after its previous permit expired. Two nature associations appealed, claiming insufficient research had been done into the harmful effects of the company’s cobalt discharges on the water quality of the Grote Nete. The Council for Permit Disputes followed this criticism and annulled the permit.

The Flemish Government finds the cobalt discharge standard acceptable because it will be additionally reduced from January 1, 2027. However, according to the Council, the Flemish Government does not sufficiently justify how this future restriction avoids the present deterioration of the water quality of the Grote Nete.

The dossier now returns to the Flemish Government, which is given three months to decide on the permit application again. It must take the Council’s decision into account.

Meanwhile, the production in Geel continues because, for the time being, Ineos falls back on the previous permit which is valid as long as no new decision has been taken by the Minister of the Environment.