Denmark – Everfuel, a producer of green hydrygen has signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) with a large industrial offtaker in Germany for the supply of up to 10,000 tons of green hydrogen per year from 2028. The undisclosed customer expects to increase consumption of green hydrogen over time in accordance with its plans for decarbonising industrial processes. 

The initial demand is expected to match the hydrogen output from an operationally optimised 100 MW electrolyser, aligning with Everfuels’ strategy of developing standardised, scalable electrolyser modules tailored to demand.

Everfuel may supply the hydrogen from project Sif or other future electrolyser projects under development. The LoL is the first step towards a final commercial agreement between the parties, which is conditional upon several factors, including the establishment of hydrogen pipeline infrastructure between Denmark and Germany connecting Everfuel’s production facility and the customer.

 “On 5 April 2024 the Danish government announced that it is willing to take majority of the investment risk of the Danish hydrogen backbone if market participants provide sufficient commitment. Today’s agreement is a cross-border confirmation of the willingness from Everfuel and partner to show such a commitment,” said Jacob Krogsgaard, founder and CEO of Everfuel.