Ireland – Powerhouse Energy Group, a company that converts non-recyclable waste into low-carbon energy, has decided to defer further progress towards committing to the Longford Project, a proposed waste-to-hydrogen facility in Ireland.

The company cited the need to prioritize its project pipeline and assess the impact on its cash resources.

Powerhouse Energy signed a Heads of Terms agreement with Hydrogen Utopia International in March 2023 to jointly develop the Longford Project. However, the company has since concluded that the capital contributions currently proposed by PHE are not in its best interests.

Garner-Hillman added that the company remains hopeful that its position on the Longford Project will change in the future.

Prioritizing resources

Powerhouse Energy’s decision to defer the Longford Project is a setback for the company’s ambitions in the waste-to-hydrogen sector. However, it is important to note that the company is still in the early stages of development, and it is important to prioritize its resources wisely.

The company has a number of other potential projects in its pipeline, including a waste-to-hydrogen facility in the United Kingdom. It is also developing technology to convert waste plastic into syngas, which can be used to produce a variety of products, including fuels and chemicals.