Austria – INNIO has partnered with RAG Austria (RAG) to transform the region’s energy landscape. RAG has selected INNIO’s innovative Jenbacher hydrogen engine technology to power its hydrogen cogeneration plant in Gampern, Upper Austria.

The heart of this project lies in the combined heat and power plant (CHP) designed to generate green power and heat for the region. RAG’s “Underground Sun Storage,” a world-first 100% hydrogen storage facility in a porous underground reservoir, is central to this initiative. During the summer, excess electricity, up to 4.2 gigawatt hours, will be converted into green hydrogen and stored for the winter months, ensuring a continuous and reliable energy supply.

CHP plant

The commissioning of the Jenbacher hydrogen CHP plant, with a 1 MW range, is scheduled for the spring of 2024. The concept is simple yet revolutionary: during the winter, when energy demands are high, this hydrogen-fueled plant will generate electricity on-demand. Furthermore, the waste heat produced in this process will be harnessed for heating purposes, maximizing energy efficiency.

The partnership between INNIO and RAG is more than just a technological endeavor; it represents a shared vision of a more sustainable and secure energy future for Upper Austria.