The Netherlands – The Netherlands is taking a leading role in the development of hydrogen transport and storage technologies with the launch of the HyTROS (Hydrogen Transport, Offshore and Storage) initiative.

The program, which has received a subsidy of 18 million euros from the Dutch government and industry, will bring together 33 parties from research and industry to work on developing safe and cost-effective hydrogen transport and storage solutions.

One of the key goals of the HyTROS program is to investigate the suitability of the existing natural gas system for hydrogen transport and storage. This is an important challenge, as it will be essential to utilize existing infrastructure wherever possible to minimize the cost and environmental impact of developing the hydrogen economy.

The HyTROS program will also conduct research into offshore transport and storage of hydrogen. This is an important area of research, as offshore storage has the potential to provide large-scale storage capacity for hydrogen.

The HyTROS consortium consists of 11 universities, two research institutes, two colleges and 18 industrial partners. All national and regional grid operators that will transport hydrogen, future storage operators and the supply industry for on- and offshore pipeline installations, inspection and maintenance participate in the HyTROS program. TNO is project leader of the program.

Dutch hydrogen economy development

The HyTROS program has the potential to make a significant contribution to the development of the Dutch hydrogen economy. By developing safe and cost-effective hydrogen transport and storage solutions, the program will help to accelerate the adoption of hydrogen in a wide range of applications, including industry, transportation and power generation.

The HyTROS program will also help to create new jobs and opportunities in the Netherlands. The development of hydrogen transport and storage infrastructure will require a range of specialized skills and expertise, which will create new opportunities for Dutch businesses and workers.

The HyTROS program is a significant development for the Netherlands and for the global hydrogen economy. The program’s focus on developing safe and cost-effective hydrogen transport and storage solutions will help to accelerate the adoption of hydrogen and create new jobs and opportunities.