Canada – Topsoe, a prominent player in carbon emission reduction technologies, has inked a pivotal pact with World Energy GH2. This dynamic partnership sets the stage for Canada’s monumental renewable hydrogen initiative, known as Project Nujio’qonik.

Nestled in Newfoundland and Labrador’s Bay St. George region, this venture is not only poised to be the country’s largest renewable hydrogen project but also a global harbinger of sustainable energy solutions.

Project Nujio’qonik, unveiled by World Energy GH2 in spring 2022, is on track to be one of the world’s inaugural large-scale renewable hydrogen and ammonia production undertakings. With a staggering USD $12 billion investment, the project is designed to foster renewable hydrogen production, commonly referred to as green hydrogen. This clean energy source is aimed at dismantling the carbon shackles that bind hard-to-abate sectors on a global scale.

World Energy GH2’s resolute commitment to decarbonization will see the delivery of 250,000 metric tons of renewable hydrogen annually to international markets upon the project’s culmination. Anchored in the Bay St. George region, the project will harness wind energy to power its operations, with hydrogen production slated to commence in 2025.


At the heart of this transformative endeavor lies Topsoe’s revolutionary ammonia loop technology. This cutting-edge innovation is poised to generate a staggering daily output of up to 1,650 metric tons of renewable ammonia on-site. This strategic utilization of technology underscores the project’s unwavering commitment to sustainable energy solutions.

Within the expansive ambit of Power-to-X, renewable hydrogen and ammonia emerge as pivotal enablers for achieving the energy transition. Sundus Cordelia Ramli, CCO Power-to-X at Topsoe, underlines the importance of large-scale projects like Nujio’qonik in ushering in sustainable fuels and chemicals for sectors like steel, aviation, and shipping.