The Netherlands – The Province of North Holland in the Netherlands has been recognized as a Hydrogen Valley, joining sixty other regions across Europe in their commitment to hydrogen development.

North Holland becomes the third region in the Netherlands to receive this status, following the North Netherlands and the port of Rotterdam.

The award was granted to the combined clusters in the North Sea Canal area and North Holland North, collectively forming the Hydrogen Hub Noord-Holland. The region’s advantageous coastal location, presence of energy-intensive industries, ports, and an airport create favorable conditions for the scale-up of hydrogen initiatives. Notably, the region is home to TNO’s Faraday Lab in Petten, Europe’s largest hydrogen research facility. It also hosts a robust innovation and knowledge cluster focused on energy transition, including Techport in the IJmond, Investa in Alkmaar, the Science Park in Amsterdam, and the Energy Transition Campus Amsterdam.

Hydrogen Valley status

Attaining Hydrogen Valley status establishes the region as an official participant in the European sustainability program, granting easier access to knowledge and funding from Europe. This recognition is expected to accelerate the development of hydrogen in North Holland.

Hydrogen Valley status is a significant instrument for the European Commission in promoting a sustainable energy supply and reducing dependence on non-European energy sources. Across Europe, regions and projects with this designation play a vital role in advancing hydrogen technologies.

Collaborative effort

To foster the hydrogen economy in the area, public and private entities collaborate closely. The North Sea Canal Area Program Office spearheads hydrogen-related initiatives, with involvement from project partners such as HyCC, VattenFall, Port of Amsterdam, Argent Energy, Synkero, NAM, Aker, RWE, Neptune, SCW Systems, Hynoca, Torrgas, Equans, Hygro, Development Company Noord-Holland-Noord, New Energy Coalition, Gasunie, Nogat, Liander/Firan, ECW Energy, Hygro, Evos, Zenith, Tata Steel NL, Schiphol, Renewi, Sonneborn, Nobian, Boeing, KLM, Port of Amsterdam, Port of Den Helder, Port of IJmuiden, and several SMEs. Government agencies are also actively participating in this collaborative effort.