Norway – Norwegian Hydrogen and PEAB K. Nordang AS have agreed to work together to complete the Hellesylt Hydrogen Hub, which is anticipated to have a substantial impact on Norway’s ability to produce green hydrogen.

Construction on the project is scheduled to start in May, and later this summer, the German business FEST GmbH will supply the hydrogen production facility in the form of container modules.

As Norwegian Hydrogen works to develop knowledge and competence in the production and use of zero-emission hydrogen as an energy carrier, the Hellesylt Hydrogen Hub project is a significant turning point for the company. Additionally, it is a pilot project that will show how hydrogen can be produced and used locally in the Nordic region.

The manufacturing facility is anticipated to be finished by Q4 2023, and the hydrogen will be provided before the Geirangerfjord emission limits take effect in 2026. With the exception of the actual hydrogen production plant, which will be delivered by FEST GmbH, the project will provide the necessary groundwork, paving of the area, concrete foundations, installation of an embankment, and service buildings.

Public meeting

The companies participating are dedicated to keeping open lines of communication with the neighborhood and will host a public meeting before work begins. The first production facility will be in the neighborhood, which is positive as the project is anticipated to have a big impact on the building and construction sector.

Despite the promising improvements, there could yet be problems with the initiative. Production of green hydrogen is still in its infancy, and the underlying technology has not reached its full potential. The cost of manufacture is likewise rather high, but it is anticipated to go down as technology advances and production volumes increase.