The Netherlands – Dutch enterprises are conducting a government-funded study on the synergies between offshore wind, offshore solar, and at-sea hydrogen generation to improve North Sea renewable energy project sustainability.

TNO is leading the recently funded innovative research project Sun Enhanced North Sea Energy Hub (SENSE-HUB), which addresses the integration of diverse energy system modules for the Dutch North Sea. The synergies between offshore wind, offshore solar, and sea-based hydrogen generation will be examined for the first time.

SENSE-HUB will speed the deployment of offshore solar into offshore renewable energy systems during the course of the four-year project.


The consortium’s goal is to study and overcome technical, economic, ecological, legal, and sociological impediments to future SENSE-HUB implementation. Oceans of Energy will demonstrate an improved offshore solar system in the North Sea, while NIOZ and Deltares will conduct biological monitoring and modeling to better understand the implications of hybrid energy parks. The demonstration will take place close to the offshore production platform Q13a.

The SENSE-HUB idea will be evaluated in the TNO SWITCH Lab, and TNO, Primo-Marine, and Advanced Electromagnetics will work together to develop techno-economic system designs at the GW scale. NewGroundLaw and Primo-Marine will create the required legal regulatory frameworks for such integrated energy systems. Deltares will identify the essential stakeholders and will keep them updated on the project’s progress.


TNO leads the partnership, which includes Oceans of Energy, Deltares, NIOZ, Primo Marine, NewGroundLaw, and Advanced Electromagnetics. TopSector ‘Energiesubsidie’ of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate made the initiative possible.