United Kingdom – As the government reveals plans for a globally recognized low carbon hydrogen certification scheme, transparency and confidence in the UK’s low carbon hydrogen sector are likely to grow on a worldwide scale.

There is currently no recognized method for producers of low carbon hydrogen to demonstrate the product’s credentials. The implementation of a credible mechanism for demonstrating hydrogen’s emissions credentials will be critical in decarbonizing the UK hydrogen sector, promoting cross-border trade, and stimulating growth and jobs in green hydrogen. The government will now start consulting with industry, with the goal of implementing the certification program by 2025.

This will assist the expanding UK green energy market in verifying sustainability claims, while also providing industry and consumer confidence in low carbon hydrogen. Hydrogen can be used in a variety of novel ways, including as a raw material for products like fertilizer and steel, as well as a substitute fuel for high-temperature operations like glass manufacturing or ceramics.

Hydrogen Champion

The UK government has extended the appointment of the country’s first-ever Hydrogen Champion, Jane Toogood, for a further six months, reflecting the country’s hydrogen objectives and ahead of International Day of Women and Girls in Science this week. The Hydrogen Champion’s position is critical in bringing business and government together to accelerate the development of the UK hydrogen economy, and Jane has visited extensively with partners across industry as part of her work to date to assess potential and identify hurdles to accomplishing this.

Low Carbon Hydrogen Standard

Since the publication of the UK Hydrogen Strategy in 2021, there has been a tremendous surge in worldwide interest and investment in the establishment of a low-carbon international market for hydrogen. A low-carbon hydrogen certification scheme might benefit the entire hydrogen value chain, from producers to users, boosting economic growth, job creation, and greener enterprises.

The certification will be based on the methods outlined in the UK’s Low Carbon Hydrogen Standard.

The decisions made today expand on the British Energy Security Strategy’s promise to double the UK’s hydrogen ambition to up to 10GW of new low carbon hydrogen production capacity by 2030.