United States – RWE, LOTTE CHEMICAL Corporation (LOTTE), and Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) have formed a strategic agreement to develop reliable and large-scale clean ammonia supply chains in Asia, Europe, and the United States.

RWE, LOTTE, and MC have now signed a Joint Study Agreement (JSA) to construct a large-scale integrated clean ammonia production and export project in Port of Corpus Christi, Texas, USA, as part of this partnership.

Production capacity

The partners agreed under the JSA to collaboratively investigate the establishment of a large-scale ammonia factory that blends green and blue ammonia production and leverages common infrastructure for worldwide exports, with a focus on Asia and Europe. The parties want to begin production by 2030 and to gradually increase production capacity with several manufacturing units. The project is expected to produce up to 10 million tons of pure ammonia per year once completed. The Port of Corpus Christi Authority is negotiating the necessary land for the project. To build the initiative, the partners are bringing together complementary expertise.

This JSA is in addition to other preliminary initiatives to construct large-scale clean ammonia projects in the South Texas region.