Belgium – The technical and financial feasibility study for the H2BE hydrogen project has been finished by Engie and Equinor at Engie’s Rodenhuize plant in Ghent, Belgium.

In order to advance H2BE to the following stage of development and advance it further toward concept selection in 2023, ENGIE and Equinor have decided to sign a joint development agreement (JDA).

According to the parties, more than twenty potential clients for the H2BE project have already signed up. Additionally, the cooperation has received a number of statements of support from Belgian investors and officials. The project is in line with the Flemish and federal governments of Belgium’s hydrogen policy.

Making hydrogen while storing CO2

The H2BE project uses natural gas to make hydrogen while capturing and storing CO2. To a location in the Norwegian North Sea, the CO2 is delivered as a liquid. Together with Fluxys, Engie and Equinor are transporting CO2 and hydrogen to industrial clusters both inside and outside of Belgium. Before 2030, the project is expected to be operational.