Germany – HH2E will build and run newgreen hydrogen plant near Borna through a newly formed local company called HH2E Werk Thierbach GmbH.

The plant will supply green hydrogen to clients and offtakers such as mobility industry leaders, large-scale energy and industrial consumers such as the chemical industry, and commercial air and road transport operators.

HH2E AG, Foresight, and HydrogenOne make up the Thierbach project development consortium. The consortium has already accepted the PID, and the initial funding will be utilized for full engineering designs and long-lead item procurement. The Final Investment Decision (FID) is expected in 2023, just before the plant’s construction begins.

Large-scale initiative

This is the company’s second large-scale initiative announced this year, following the Lubmin project. The technological mix and design of these two facilities, as well as those that may follow, are identical and use proven systems and components, decreasing risk and implementation time.

The HH2E technology mix exploits the volatility of renewable energy output by combining an alkaline electrolyzer with a high-capacity battery, enabling continuous synthesis of cost-competitive green hydrogen without a consistent power supply.

Germany is the European leader in green hydrogen development and manufacturing, having recently announced plans to build an 1800 kilometer hydrogen energy pipeline by 2027.