Germany – With the signing of a non-binding Memorandum of understanding, NewMed Energy and Uniper have agreed to discuss the possibility of working together on the production of blue and green hydrogen and the short- and long-term supply of LNG.

The parties to the MoU have agreed to investigate the feasibility of supplying natural gas from Israel to Germany in the near future via preexisting production and transmission infrastructure, subject to the availability of the transmission pipeline between Israel and Egypt, from which the gas would be transported to LNG facilities in the Mediterranean before being shipped to Germany.

The MoU also calls for a study into whether or not LNG deliveries from the Leviathan reservoir to Uniper are possible, which would necessitate an expansion of the current Leviathan infrastructure (Phase 1B) and the liquefaction of the gas at either an existing facility in Egypt or a newly constructed independent floating liquefaction facility in Israel.

Hydrogen development

The partnership’s stated goal of developing green energy is in accordance with NewMed Energy’s strategic plan, and the MoU includes prospective collaboration in the field of blue hydrogen and green hydrogen and its transit from Israel to Europe.