The Netherlands – In the Netherlands, the debate for green Guarantees of Origin for hydrogen has already begun. The Netherlands is the first nation in Europe to have a system like this.

In recent months, the related system was put through its paces as part of a trial by the hydrogen exchange program HyXchange and Vertogas, the organization that certifies biogas and is now also green hydrogen. This successful pilot included participation from a total of 18 market players. By facilitating commerce between European nations and hydrogen imports from outside the EU, HyXchange seeks to quickly boost certificate and hydrogen trading.

The trial tested how well the system actually worked in terms of allowing market participants to register their hydrogen for a green Guarantee of Origin. These Guarantees of Origin can also be transformed into renewable fuel units (RFUs) for traffic and transportation, a market that is appealing due to the associated goal. Together with European energy dealers, a standard trading contract is also being established for this purpose. As envisioned by HyXchange, this also enables easy entry into hydrogen trade.

Certification for green hydrogen

The documents, known as Guarantees of Origin, attest to the hydrogen’s production using environmentally friendly electricity. Any consumer will be able to use this to confirm whether the hydrogen was indeed created sustainably. A law on the subject has been passed in the Netherlands as a national expansion of a European regulation. The company Vertogas B.V., which already offers Guarantees of Origin for green gas and has been chosen by the Minister to provide the same for hydrogen, has recently been developing a certification system appropriate for this new duty.

Because it is now solely a Dutch system, it is only valid in the Netherlands. The Netherlands is the first nation to use this system, so. Later, on the basis of current European rules, a more global system of hydrogen certifications is anticipated.

An project by Gasunie, the Port of Rotterdam Authority, the Port of Amsterdam, Groningen Seaports, and North Sea Port is the HyXchange trading platform (Vlissingen, Ghent, Terneuzen).