Poland – Hydropolis United has inked an agreement with Elkard sp z.o.o. to build a plastic waste processing plant that will generate hydrogen, power, and heat.

A division of Hydrogen Utopia International (HUI), which invented the method for converting non-recyclable waste plastics into hydrogen, is Hydrofoils United.

Under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding, Elkard and Hydropolis have agreed to immediately start planning for and developing a HUI Plant by, among other things, choosing a suitable location, working together to find European or domestic grants or subsidies for the plant’s construction, and composing environmental reports and supporting paperwork.

Plastic in oceans

Elkard and Hydropolis are expected to split the costs of this endeavor, and HUI anticipates that the parties will eventually establish a special purpose company for the financing and management of the HUI plant.

Since 2014, Elkard has been involved in the design and installation of power and electrical systems for use by public utilities, businesses, and households. A large amount of the 368 million tonnes of plastic produced each year winds up in the oceans. By 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish if current trends continue.