The Netherlands – In order to establish the first green ammonia hub, known as “Greenpoint Valley,” in North-West Europe, Uniper and Vesta Terminals signed a Memorandum of Understanding to assess the viability of renovating and extending an existing storage facility.

As a future hub, Vesta Terminals in Vlissingen, the Netherlands, will be able to handle an initial throughput capacity of 0.96 mtpa and presently has 60,000m3 of chilled storage constructed for ammonia. The terminal is conveniently situated for the reloading of green ammonia from seagoing boats onto barges and rail tank cars.

The facility’s throughput capacity may be increased to 1.92 mtpa in a subsequent phase, and the terminal will be linked to the Dutch hydrogen pipeline network. The commissioning and launch of operations are planned for the first quarter of 2026.

Additional efforts

In order to offer a market access point into the Northwest European markets for the expanding green ammonia and hydrogen operations within the Uniper group, Uniper aims to reserve capacity in the terminal. Developing the markets for green ammonia and hydrogen will help increase supply security in Europe.

Uniper’s attempts to establish numerous entry points for green energy into Europe will be explored in tandem with its current Wilhelmshaven ammonia terminal project, including a potential capacity booking in Vlissingen. In addition to constructing the first LNG import terminal in Germany in Wilhelmshaven, Uniper is also preparing to establish an import facility for green ammonia.

Watch our visit to Uniper Wilhelmshafen during Hydrogen Trail Europe.