Denmark – The Power-to-X facility of European Energy will supply green hydrogen to the Port of Esbjerg in the first half of 2023.

Green hydrogen will be produced at the plant for use by ships in Esbjerg Harbor and by Danish businesses. DIN Forsyning has contracted European Energy to remove waste heat from its manufacturing processes. There will be enough excess heat to initially heat about 200 standard homes.

The structure is wired straight into the massive Made wind turbines. It relies solely on renewable energy generated in the area. That extra heat that DIN Forsyning uses helps the environment even more.

Room to grow

Assuming all goes well, the plant’s capacity will be able to grow in the near future. Because of this, we can provide even more hydrogen and waste heat. The convenience of the building’s proximity to the district heating network means that DIN Forsyning can take advantage of this heating option with minimal outlay of additional funds or effort.