Denmark – Vestas is starting a pilot program in cooperation with its partner Windcat Workboats to investigate how the first hydrogen-powered crew transfer vessel (CTV) can help cut carbon emissions from its offshore service operations.

The CTV is propelled by a dual-fuel system that can run on hydrogen in addition to marine gas oil. Since hydrogen fuel has no carbon, it indicates the possibility of significantly reducing carbon emissions while keeping power output constant. On July 15, the solution will be put to the test at the Norther Wind Farm as part of a pilot program. The program, which will last until the end of 2022, will give Vestas the chance to investigate the most scalable ways to incorporate hydrogen into its operational setup. The trial’s objective is to gather information about the potential applications and operational constraints of hydrogen-powered ships.

Scaling up solutions

Deploying hydrogen-fueled vessels will be essential for Vestas’ sustainability journey because the carbon emissions related to offshore operations currently make up one-third of the company’s scope 1&2 emissions. In comparison to a conventional vessel, the new CTV has the potential to save 158 tonnes of carbon dioxide, or about 37% more carbon emissions. This cost savings will be verified during the pilot, and if it shows promise in reducing Vestas’ scope 1&2 emissions, it will also be investigated as to how the solution might be scaled up.

The vessel will currently be primarily powered by grey hydrogen because there isn’t enough green hydrogen to power it in the required quantities. Through the pilot, Vestas hopes to develop a pathway for using green hydrogen in its offshore operations that can be used once the technology reaches the necessary stage of development.