Switzerland – At the surfacing site in Seewen, Switzerland, ebs, Käppeli, and IWB have submitted a planning application for a hydrogen production plant.

The three businesses aim to generate CO2-neutral hydrogen by the end of 2024 using renewable electricity from the Wernisberg hydroelectric power plant. The two businesses ebs Hydrogen AG and Käppeli Hydrogen AG were established to carry out the project. On the property of Käppeli AG, Acherli 4 in Seewen, a hydrogen production facility and a filling station are planned to be constructed.

Focus on hydrogen

The use of hydrogen is becoming more and more important as part of the transition away from fossil fuels. It is an energy storage method that is clean and portable and is produced from renewable electricity. With electrolysis, up to 70% of the primary energy can be utilized. Efficiency will increase by an additional 10% with the additional use of waste heat, which is currently being tested. As a supplement to battery-powered mobility, hydrogen can significantly reduce CO2 emissions, especially in areas of high traffic. Additionally, the hydrogen can be added with a share of up to 10% to the ebs Erdgas + Biogas AG’s current gas supply network. Another objective is to use the hydrogen to create a surface that is better for the environment.

60 percent of ebs Hydrogen AG is owned by ebs Energie AG, 25 percent by A. Käppeli’s Söhne AG Schwyz, and 15 percent by IWB.