Morocco – An agreement for the construction of the Green Ammonia Pilot at the OCP Group chemical complex in Jorf Lasfar, Morocco, was signed by the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) and the Dutch company Proton Ventures.

The agreement was signed in the presence of the Institute Research Energy Solar et Energy Nouvelles (IRESEN) and Fred Duijn, charge d’affaires of the Dutch Embassy.

Green H2A

This agreement relates to the turnkey construction of the first pilot of the “Green H2A” and is a part of the contract signed in November 2021 between UM6P, the OCP Group, and the Institute Research Energy Solar et Energy Nouvelles (IRESEN). It is a unit for the Haber-Bosch process-based production of green ammonia with a 4 ton daily capacity. The pre-industrial pilot is outfitted with two PEM & Alkaline electrolysers with a capacity of 2 MW each for the production of green hydrogen. Additionally, this device will have an emulator that can simulate various electrical load profiles, including the hybridization of photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy, in various Moroccan and global geographic locations.

By leveraging the knowledge and know-how developed during the exploitation phase, which will begin in the first quarter of 2024, the world reference unit installed in Jorf Lasfar will enable the preparation of larger industrial projects.