United Kingdom – The University of Strathclyde is one of three Scottish higher education institutions to receive funding from the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) Scotland-Germany Hydrogen Research Scheme, which is funded by the Scottish Government.

The program’s goal is to facilitate research and practice-based partnerships between the two countries in order to investigate hydrogen’s future applications. Strathclyde University is developing a digital toolkit for hydrogen production in collaboration with Technische Universität Braunschweig.


TU Braunschweig counts Strathclyde as a strategic partner. The meeting was made possible by CESAER’s joint commitment, which brings together more than 50 of Europe’s top science and technology universities. Since 2019, there has been a flurry of activity, particularly in the field of research. Both universities are currently collaborating on the hydrogen project “DiTo-H2,” which is funded by the Scotland-Germany Hydrogen Research Scheme.

The goal of this project is to create a modeling framework that maps technological advancements at various levels and quantifies how material advancements translate into electrolyser and energy grid performance improvements. The framework will help decision-makers quickly assess the benefits of incorporating new technologies and materials as they become available.

Dr Dragos Neagu, a Chancellor’s Fellow in the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, will lead the project for Strathclyde, along with colleagues from the university’s Advanced Forming Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Environment, and Power Networks Demonstration Centre.