Germany – Eight German associations and networks, as part of a joint initiative, have called for larger and more concrete steps to increase hydrogen production at sea, powered by offshore wind.

Offshore-Wind-H2-Eight has released a joint agenda paper with six recommendations for enabling offshore hydrogen production in Germany, enhancing this technology’s contribution to industrial decarbonization, and diversifying domestically produced green hydrogen sources.

To begin, a mandatory goal of green hydrogen production must be established, as well as the areas in which it can be achieved. To ensure a stable development path, the National Hydrogen Strategy and the Offshore Wind Act (WindSeeG) should set a target of 10 GW of hydrogen production by 2035.

These organizations praised the re-examination of a draft law for a WindSeeG amendment, which would allow the development of an additional 4 to 6 GW of offshore wind energy in Germany’s Exclusive Economic Zone, as part of a “sprinter program” for green hydrogen production in Germany (EEZ).

Economically viable hydrogen

Offshore-Wind-H2-Eight also recommended enabling market ramp-up in order to make green hydrogen production more economically viable. According to a paper published in the journal Hydrogen, developing a competitive market for offshore wind-powered hydrogen production is a necessary step toward compensating for cost differences.

The funding concept based on H2Global’s EU-compliant, market-oriented system would support at least 2 GW of electrolysis capacity. Carbon Contracts for Difference, which can be used to encourage the purchase of green hydrogen, have replaced H2Global’s import-oriented approach to domestic production.