United Kingdom – The UK Government has awarded Vattenfall GBP 9.3 million in innovation funding from the Net Zero Innovation Portfolio Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply 2 fund.

The money will be used to build the world’s first hydrogen-producing offshore wind turbine, with the electrolyzer mounted directly on a working turbine. The pilot project, which will be located at Vattenfall’s Offshore Wind Farm in Aberdeen Bay, will have an output of 8 MW and be capable of producing enough hydrogen per day to power a hydrogen bus for a journey of 24,000 kilometers. The hydrogen will be piped to Aberdeen Harbor’s shore.

Hydrogen-wind integration

The ‘Hydrogen Turbine 1 (HT1)’ project aims to be the world’s first to test the complete integration of hydrogen production with an offshore wind turbine. To speed up future development, HT1 will map out the development and consent processes for large-scale hydrogen projects co-located with offshore wind farms.

The availability of large amounts of fossil-free hydrogen will be critical in decarbonizing heavy industry (primarily steel, chemicals, and fertilizer production, as well as refining) and heavy transportation. Work will begin immediately, with a first production date set for 2025.