Germany – Fraunhofer ILT is building its own hydrogen laboratory, which will provide the ideal environment for optimizing the fuel cell, which is at the heart of hydrogen technology.

Scientists across Germany are working on new sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective energy generation and use technologies, with hydrogen technology playing a key role. Where energy efficiency and direct use of electricity from renewable sources are insufficient, hydrogen produced in a climate-friendly manner allows CO2 emissions to be reduced.

Fuel cell optimization

Fraunhofer researchers are working on a number of projects to improve the cost-effective and demand-driven series production of fuel cells.

Fraunhofer ILT researchers are developing laser processes for the production of bipolar plates, which are used in fuel cells. Bipolar plates can be significantly improved in efficiency and functionality by selectively structuring and coating them.

The new Hydrogen Lab at the Fraunhofer ILT will cover 300 square meters and offer a wide range of laser-based experimental facilities for various dimensions and designs. Existing test rigs can be used to assess laser-fabricated components not only for hydrogen tightness but also for efficiency.