Tuesday December 7th 15.30-17.15, Rotterdam Ahoy

The vistas for hydrogen are often clearer than the concrete steps that need to be taken now. But what needs to happen now to make the ambitions a reality. During the side event ‘Next steps in Hydrogen’ at EIES2021, we will investigate the construction of a hydrogen backbone in the Netherlands, the possibilities of importing hydrogen from overseas and the geographical possibilities of green hydrogen in Europe. 

Eddie Lycklama à Nijeholt of Gasunie/Hynetwork Services recently explained in an interview how five industrial clusters in the Netherlands can be connected to a hydrogen backbone. During EIES2021, he will elaborate on this and talk to table guests from industry and the public. 


Then it is the turn of Wilco van der Lans (Port of Rotterdam). He will talk about the importance of green/blue hydrogen production and import for sustainable industrial clusters. Afterwards he will also enter into discussion. 

European roll-out

Finally, we will also discuss the geographical positioning of hydrogen production. Luc Graré (Lhyfe) gives a short introduction about European roll-out of green hydrogen production, also in combination with (floating) offshore wind farms. Followed by a talk show with Yolande Verbeek (Uniper) Jan-Willem Könemann (TNO) and Eduard de Visser (port of Amsterdam) 

Register for European Industry & Energy Summit 2021