The Netherlands – Steel producer Tata Steel in IJmuiden is in a very challenging phase. As a major consumer of energy and one of the largest emitters of CO2, the company will have to make a full transition. What’s more, society is increasingly knocking at the door when it comes to the impact of steel production on the immediate environment. What puzzles does this pose for top executive Hans van den Berg, who himself lives in the vicinity? What does he think steel production will look like in the Netherlands in the long term? He will give his vision in a talk at the plenary opening of the European Industry and Energy Summit 2021 on December 7 in Rotterdam Ahoy.

Hans van den Berg (1962) has a PhD in physics. In 1999 he completed his MBA from both Nijenrode University and Rochester University (NY) and was rewarded with an outstanding student award.

Joining Hoogovens in 1990 he has worked across a variety of departments including Research & Development, the Blast Furnaces, Basic Oxygen Plant, Cold Rolling Mill and the Direct Sheet Plant. Hans is currently responsible for Tata Steel’s site in IJmuiden, Netherlands and in April 2020 he was appointed as acting chairman of the board of Tata Steel Netherlands. With a background in production, he has a good understanding of the company’s priorities. Hans proactively seeks investments for new installations and endorses sustainable processes for the benefit of the industry and of our customers. When it comes to CO2 emissions per ton of steel, Tata Steel are among the best steel companies in the world. Making steel in a sustainable way is vital for our future. Digitization is also high on his investment agenda, ensuring that Tata Steel is a pioneer in the area of Advanced Analytics.

With a team of experts, Hans is working on the implementation of our Roadmap 2030. This includes a plan with a complete overview of all the measures required to limit our effects on the local environment. In addition to all the technological innovations, Hans gets the most satisfaction from the contact with the people on the shop floor.