The NetherlandsIn 2024, the aviation industry plans zero-emission commercial passenger flights between Rotterdam The Hague Airport (RTHA) and London using a 19-seater aircraft powered by hydrogen.

ZeroAvia’s aircraft, which is currently in development, will run entirely on hydrogen. ZeroAvia, Royal Schiphol Group, Rotterdam The Hague Innovation Airport Foundation and the airport itself have announced a partnership to realize this ambition.

The agreement establishes a firm timeframe for the introduction of the world’s first zero-emission commercial passenger flights between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, as well as potentially the world’s first international commercial operation. ZeroAvia and Royal Schiphol Group are in early collaboration talks with airlines to determine who will operate the intended route.

ZeroAvia and Royal Schiphol Group will collaborate on testing and demonstrating hydrogen supply chain refueling operations, as well as integration with airport operations, as part of their cooperation to create this commercial route. The two firms will also focus on assuring the road for commercially adopting hydrogen-electric aircraft, such as building the appropriate legislative framework and evaluating industry and public interest for zero-emissions hydrogen-powered flying.

ZeroAvia has recently formed a legal entity in the Netherlands. This will allow the company to develop commercialization and cooperation prospects with airports, airframe manufacturers, and/or airlines in the Netherlands and throughout the European Union.​​

Innovative technology

ZeroAvia has concentrated its research and development efforts on developing a hydrogen-electric powertrain – which uses hydrogen fuel cells to power electric motors – as a realistic approach to address aviation’s climate change consequences on a large scale. The only emission from ZeroAvia’s hydrogen-electric system is water vapour at controlled temperatures, enabling for sustainable flights.

Hydrogen-electric propulsion will also have cheaper operational costs, making routes more appealing to airlines, airports, and passengers.