AustraliaBP Australia announced the findings of its study into the feasibility of an export-scale green ‎hydrogen and ammonia production facility in Western Australia. The study found that the production of green hydrogen and green ammonia using renewable ‎energy is technically feasible at scale in Australia.

The Study’s findings also support BP’s conviction that, with ‎its vast potential solar and wind resources, existing infrastructure and proximity to large, long-term ‎markets, Western Australia is an ideal place to develop large scale renewable energy assets that ‎can in turn produce green hydrogen and/or green ammonia for domestic and export markets.

The feasibility study has provided BP with valuable insights into the potential for green hydrogen ‎and green ammonia production which it will make publicly available as part of a knowledge sharing ‎agreement with ARENA to help progress the development and use of green hydrogen energy.‎

BP will continue to work with key stakeholders to develop plans for integrated green hydrogen ‎projects in Western Australia, working to define the technical and infrastructure solutions, customer ‎demand and business models that would be required for a successful development.‎

Three technologies

The study examined the hydrogen supply chain and domestic and export markets at two scales: a ‎demonstration/pilot scale (4,000 tonnes of hydrogen making up to 20,000 tonnes of ‎ammonia) and commercial scale (200,000 tonnes of hydrogen making up to 1 million tonnes of ‎ammonia). It considered three different hydrogen production technologies, and the plant power ‎source was modelled as a mix of solar and wind with some battery support. This renewable power ‎modelling was completed by Lightsource BP.‎

The study highlighted that, depending on the location and scale, significant additional infrastructure ‎investment would be required – particularly for port, electricity and water services.‎ The study found that distribution could be customised to suit customer requirements, including ‎gaseous or liquid hydrogen or ammonia via pipeline, truck, train or ship.


Economic returns were also explored, and it was found that for this to be effectively understood the ‎renewable hydrogen and ammonia markets need to be further advanced. The study found that ‎significant scale will be required for general hydrogen fuel use to be commercially viable.